Summertime and The Cleaning Is Easy! (Not)

We are nearing the midpoint of summer and most people’s focus is on fun activities, vacations, and spending time outside. For retail, medical facilities, and recreation centers, summer is a high traffic season. Commercial properties battle dust and allergens as doors and windows are opened more frequently. Educational institutions and educational facilities require deep cleaning for their short offseason.

Profile Building Services offers a few tips to keep your visitors, customers and employees from singing the summertime blues.

Floor Care

Every visitor who sets foot in your building is bringing with them dust, allergens, dirt and other outdoor debris. Additional, foot traffic will also bring extra scuffs, spills and gum, not to mention the wear and tear on carpets and floors. This is a good time to evaluate cleaning services and how well they handle the seasonal demands that summertime brings. For educational institutions, this is a great time to have floors stripped and waxed while foot traffic is low. Seasonal deep cleaning will remove dirt, stains, and allergens, as well as extend the life of your floors.

Window Cleaning

Let the sunshine in!  That means windows – interior and exterior – need to be sparkling clean to let in natural light. Sunshine can put a spotlight on dust, cobwebs and other debris so it’s important to make sure your janitorial services pays close attention to the details that may go hidden is colder months with less daylight.

Patient Areas

Summertime sees an uptick in appointments as parents and college students try to find time during summer breaks. With the increase in traffic consider increasing the frequency of janitorial services especially the kind of deep cleaning that “Medical Grade Terminal Cleaning” provides.

Power Washing

Don’t forget about walkways and the exterior building facades and entrances. From bird droppings to gum, regularly scheduled power washing can keep the initial impression of your outside space welcoming and bright.


Summertime should be when you enjoy time away from the office or school, having a janitorial service you can count on to focus on summertime cleaning will help be “where the livin’ is easy”.

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